Friday, January 28, 2011

Caring For The Skin According To Its Type

Caring for the skin according to its type

The fact is that everyone is born with different skin on his face. Whether your face isproblematic or not, you should always take care of him. Before starting to search for the perfect cosmetics for your face, you need to know what type of skin you have.

How to determine your skin type?

The type
 of skin can be very easy to determine visually. First it is necessary to carefully wash your face. Without any adhesive to anycream, allow the skin to relax 3-4 hours. Then with just one look in the mirror you can easily specify the type of your skin.

*Normal skin - smooth complexion on the face without unnecessary flash. Skin looks smooth, supple, fresh. No defects such as enlarged pores, brown spots, etc. are visible. 

*Dry Skin - thin, soft, smooth. In the younger years looks very pretty, but it is not resistent to early aging. May occur peeling, early loses its elasticity and wrinkles appear particularly in the area around the eyes. 

*Oily skin - thick and coarse, with large pores and oily glow. By the outside view this skin reminds of lemon peel. The good side of this skin type is that long retains its elasticity. 

*Combinated skin - and also shows the characteristics of normal and oily / dry skin.Typically a T-zone (forehead, nose and goatee) skin is oily, and the rest of the face is normal. Only after you determine what type is the skin on your face, you can start with a proper care for her.

Only after you determine what type is the skin on your face, you can start with a propercare for her.


*Use a face mask. Because this does not create unpleasant skin problems, you can use a face mask once a week and less frequently.

*Peeling your face shall became your habit once a week, lest you lose the healthy-looking skin.

*Do not use soap for washing your face. There are various cosmetics made for your skin type. Choose not very strong cosmetics. They are designed for problematic skin. 

*Protect your skin from the sun. In order to save your skin quality, it is necessary to use a day cream with SPF 15.

Masks for normal skin

1. One tablespoon milk powder mixed with 1 tsp baby cream and a few drops of lemon juice. The mixture inflict it on the face, leave to act 20 minutes and wash it with lukewarm water.

2. Mix 2 grated carrots with 1 egg white and 1 tsp olive oil. The mixture is applied to the face, where is necessary to act 20 minutes.

3. One tea spoon of salt mixed with 1 spoon sour milk, 1 spoon flour and 1 spoon honey. The resulting mixture is applied to the person to act for 10 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water.


 Avoid makeup. If however you decide to use a powder, first apply greater amount of cream. Better option is to use a cream powder.

* Classic soaps and hard water are enemies of dry skin. Instead of soap, use toilet milk cleanser.

* Eat healthy. Include in your daily menu vegetables and fruits. Consume foods rich with vitamin A and D. It is advisable to drink fish oil.

* Beware of dehydration. Every day drink at least 6 glasses of water or other drinks which don't contain caffeine.

* Do not use very strong cosmetics. Avoid cosmetics containing alcohol, masks that tighten the skin or peeling.

* Do not expose the face on dry heat(sun, fire, other electrical devices). If you are constantly exposed to the air conditioning, place in your home and workplace air humidifiers.

Masks for dry skin

1. Mix 100g honey, 2 yolks, 100g olive oil and than heat the mix. The mask is applied to the face several times at intervals of 5-7 minutes. Remove it from your face using cotton soaked in lime tea. 

2. Mash half a banana and mix it with 3 spoons of sour milk. Apply this mixture on the face, where it needs 15 minutes to stand there. Then wash your face with chamomile tea.


*Products containing sugar(sweets, chocolate, ice cream, etc.) are rich with carbohydrates and activate the work of the sebaceous glands. From there is that oily dull glow on the face. Therefore this foods should be avoided.

* At night, clean your face very carefully. During the day on the face settle not only the work products of the sebaceous glands, also there is dust too. The face should be cleaned with a cosmetic milk.

* Oily skin should not be washed with hot water. Hot water helps to activate the sebaceous glands and thus the face has more luster.

* Two to three times use a peeling for your face. Against the expanded pores help the various masks, which regulate the work of the sebaceous glands.

Masks for oily skin

1. Mix 1 spoon clay powder(purchased from pharmacies) with 1 tsp lemon juice and 1 tsp honey. Leave the mixture to act on the face for 20 minutes. Masks of clay perfectly clean oily skin.

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